
Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Humanity - The Broken Hallelujah

A friend of mine posted a beautiful rendition of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah on Facebook and as I listened to it tears welled up and my heart expanded in compassion. I just sat there spell bound for a moment with a profound sadness. It stayed with me most of the day and prompted these reflections.

Why did I get so sad? Recognition entered my awareness, that Humanity as a whole is the broken Hallelujah. In the bigger picture, in the “ground of being” upon which all experiences and memories are collected, humanity as a planetary force is considered to be the throat centre of our Solar Logos, meant to sing and sound the beauty of creation into the worlds into being. Currently we create a horrendous cacophony of disharmonious sounds, frequencies and mucky colours. Composed of billions of units of potential conscious co-creators of sound and light, mini Universes in the making, we are still far from singing a higher note, a brighter purer Hallelujah into the multitudes of worlds, above and below. The spiritual awakening of humanity cannot come fast enough – we desperately need it to accelerate and help transform, shift collective consciousness. Do all we can to inspire as many people as possible to raise their bar, to do their inner work and purify their causal fields so that eventually a greater number of us may identify with our own inner divinity and sound a higher note, a note filled with love, light, compassion, goodwill, brotherhood & sisterhood, the unity of Humanity and the beauty of the Anima Mundi, the World Soul. The time of separateness is coming to an end and a new song of Unity Consciousness is being created even though its sound is still weak.

For this spiritual awakening to have the long lasting redeeming effect for life on Earth, it cannot happen only as an academic or pure intellectual exercise nor can it be done solely from an emotional level, nor by hanging out only in the spiritual realms - discrimination is needed to orient in the many miasmas of the illusory astral world – all levels are needed including the inner realities of our physical bodies, the true Holy Grail. The transformation has to become an embodied reality here on Earth, an embodiment and an emanation of translucent light, sound and a frequency of lived LOVE & LIGHT for all of life.

Nothing whatsoever is outside of yourself; you are the observer and participant in your unique holographic Universe, a mirror mirroring back to yourself the contents of your consciousness, both your conscious awareness as well as the more trickier to catch, your unconscious shadow landscape. There is nothing else, so choose well what you observe, what thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes occupy your Universe, become savvy at noticing what you generate, radiate and emanate, what you attract and manifest in your world. Nothing else exists but consciousness, observation and knowing turned into wisdom. Observe, inquire and reflect your inner worlds and lift the unconscious shadow as much as you can into the light of your awareness. Call on your soul and surrender to the purifying fire and ask for Grace to help you.

The crux of the matter, and our dire collective state at the moment, is that a lot of what we initially observe is cultural, family, ancestral, karmic, collective and environmental conditionings and therefore we are acting and reacting quite unconsciously and not in charge of our Universe, unable to consciously co-create. We fall into old traps and potentially create more havoc in the collective field if we do not course correct. Not until we’ve peeled of layers and layers of dross clouding the light can we start to become the co-creators we are meant to be, the transmitters of a more beautiful Hallelujah. Traumas and wrongdoing of the past, energies weighing us down are to be reckoned with, the shadow of humanity is deep and long and we each have our share in this.

Only when this purification work has been done to a large extent, can we become a loving contributing vibration in the field of Humanity, uplifting the soul of Humanity, the Anima Mundi for the betterment of ALL, bringing a sense of calm, so desperately needed, into a sea of chaos.

The clearing of old dross leads to the next prerequisite in the transformational process, i.e. a shift in identification, identifying as the eternal soul in incarnation, infusing our beautiful soul into all corners of our inner Universe, through our Holy Grail, the energetic reality underlying all form, subtle and dense in your physical body, etheric and auric fields – embodied divinity here on Earth. The deeper your soul descend into your being, into matter, and the necessary clearing takes place, the higher you ascend into the Divine and the circumference of your consciousness grows and expands allowing you to observe larger scales of life, seeing, sensing and experiencing the exquisite interconnectedness of all life. I’m reminded of something David Spangler, a spiritual teacher of our day and age, said: “it’s not that we are not incarnated, rather that we are not incarnated ENOUGH”.

From this soul perspective, we are after all our brother’s and sister’s keeper, we rise and fall as one human family in this Global village.  The current egocentric me, me, me-era of preposterous selfishness and greed has to come to an end. Identification as Soul puts the little self in her/his rightful place and a natural desire to act from harmlessness and goodwill enters. There is no coming into Enlightenment (anyway just a stage) without benefitting your brothers and sisters as we all swim in the same soup. And the times are dire and we need all hands on deck in greater service, or should I say all Souls in Grails (bodies) with open hearts, to sing a more beautiful Hallelujah. A Hallelujah that echoes and vibrates throughout the worlds, mineral, vegetable, animal, human, soul, planetary, solar and galactic...etc.

The soul is a group being and intimately connected to the  World Soul or Anima Mundi of Humanity, therefore a successful shift in identification, a vibratory shift, results quite naturally in better human relations and being able to recognize the other in you as you –  we are all emanations from this one Source. This leads to a more compassionate heart, something the world desperately needs at this time.

This era is called the Great Turning, the shift of ages and paradigms, such is our time. As we evolve towards a more beautiful future the old dross comes up for healing and I find consolation in the knowing that many, many, many souls are doing the Great Alchemical Work needed to bring about lasting change. It is mostly a grassroots phenomenon but there are signs of institutions shifting and old, often secret wrong doings seeing the light of day enabling humanity to course correct. Crisis is often the mechanism through which a new understanding is born and we have plenty of crises around to spur consciousness to a higher turn on the spiral.

Our time calls for the balancing of all opposites, finding the equilibrium between our inner feminine and masculine forces, standing on the Cross in the Heavens. Mustering the courage of the inner masculine to surge both high and low on the vertical axis as well as allowing the feminine expansion of nurture, inclusion, surrender and grace of the heart, arms stretched wide open in all our vulnerability to embrace all of LIFE in both its beauty, preciousness, vulnerability and its horrendous destruction and suffering.

In the long imbalances of the patriarchy, of masculine supremacy and control, the souls currently incarnated in female bodies have a specific job to do healing the repressed, abused, battered and traumatized feminine principle of life.  As souls we women would have gathered a portion of this karma from our ancestral and collective fields to help heal and help bring about a greater balance. Karmic pains of rape, abuse, childbirth, menstrual pain, loss of children, loss of life, being relegated to second class citizens, trafficking and the pornographic sex-industry, feelings of unworthiness and sacrifice to safeguard life in the onslaught of masculine power games are just some examples of energetic imprints many, many women carry in our causal fields. We may well have been in male bodies before creating some of these imbalances, but now in female bodies we can really serve the whole by clearing the pain of the feminine creative force. Unfortunately all of the above atrocities are still happening to our sisters all over the world. Partly this is due to the frozen trauma in the collective field still waiting for its healers. Remember your holographic mirror; you can only attract what is already there somewhere. Women, who have the strength to do this type of healing within, help not only themselves but through the ripple effects help all women and the collective burden of the creative feminine prinicple becomes lighter.

Because of women’s capacity to bring a spark of life, a soul, into incarnation healing our lower chakras where these pains have left their mark is crucial, through this we develop a capacity to transmit light to Earth herself and help her heal from the many rapes we as humanity have caused her, reclaiming the feminine mystery of creation.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, current Sufi teacher, writes in his book The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul: “However, to fully encounter the divine feminine, the creative principle of life, we must prepare for her anger, for the pain that has come from her abuse. For centuries our masculine culture has repressed her natural power, has burnt her temples, killed her priestesses. Through his drive for mastery, and his fear of the feminine, of what he cannot understand or control, the patriarchy has not just neglected her, but deliberately tortured and destroyed. He has not just raped her, but torn the very fabric of life, the primal wholeness of which she is always the guardian. And the feminine is angry, even if her anger has been repressed along with her magic. To welcome the feminine is to acknowledge and accept her pain and anger, and the part we have played in this desecration. Women too have often colluded with the masculine, denied their own power and natural magic, and instead accepted masculine values and ways of thinking. They have betrayed their own deepest self. But we must be careful not to become caught in this darkness, in the dynamics of abuse, the anger and betrayal.” Just heal it!

The alchemical light hidden in darkness is our own light, the divine spark within matter. We enter this darkness by bringing the light of our souls through our bodies into the darkest densest part of our being, into the heart of Earth herself, thus uplifting life. Carl Jung made the distinction of the two lights: Lumen Dei and Lumen Naturae – the first is represented by the masculine principle the second by the feminine principle. The latter has been forgotten for way too long. When these two forces find balance and equilibrium in our heart a great light shines forth.

''......of course, one is the path from the One Source. As do the loftiest spirits, thus also the sensitive earthly apparatus knows this unity. The vortical gulf of rotation of the planets attracts particles of the spirit, and the World of Higher Reality flashes into the windows.
In the future equilibrium of spirit and matter, a clear vision may be obtained. But not only fragments are to be seen. That is why the ancients guarded this natural telescope so cautiously. The most powerful telescopes were women, and the first requisite for their protection was quietude...''
Leaves of Morya's Garden II, II:III:18. - Helena Roerich, 1925

Dear Mother, Daughter, Holy Soul and Father, Son and Holy Spirit – may all parts of me live in perfect balance in my heart, so be it. If you are incarnated in a male body, please also say this prayer and protect ALL life, this is your strength. Our church institutions have unfortunately mostly taught only half of the equation, if even that nowadays. Seek the hidden mystical paths in all of them and you will find the teachings of the divine alchemical magic a human being in her potential is.

This Earth plane is a schoolhouse of duality, a highly purposed playground of consciousness we have chosen to experience together, purposeful because it offers the greatest tension for the souls to evolve. We are here to learn responsible co-creation with all of life both seen and unseen, and though it may seem hard to keep the faith in times of chaos and destruction, believe it or not, despite the seeming chaos, we are on track. I trust that eventually a more beautiful Hallelujah will sound forth and my sadness will lift.
