Heart center
As humanity is still very much polarized in the emotional body, these writings about the energy centers reflect mainly the challenge of overcoming emotional imbalances.
The twelve
petal heart center located near the heart between the 4th and 5th
thoracic vertebrae, just below and in-between the etheric shoulder blades, affects
the function of our thymus, immune system, heart, blood circulation, lungs,
lymphatic system and breasts. It also affects the spleen together with the
solar plexus. The center is divided into lower heart and higher heart – lower
connecting with self awareness and higher with added group awareness. It
connects us with the feeling consciousness of the soul and in the later stages of
the heart opening anchors the energy of pure spirit. It transmits energy from
the love petals of the soul. Love is a coherent force that makes all things
whole, for where there is love no harm can come.
plexus has to do with personal desires and wants, whereas lower heart with
personal love and higher heart with impersonal, broadly inclusive group love.
This is where we bridge between the purely personal to the beginnings of soul
influenced impersonal and seek connection and right relationship to the
different spheres of life in a new more inclusive way. The heart center opens
us to the awareness of love and group needs, and these can initially seem to be
in conflict with the self oriented outlook that the solar plexus energizes.
the heart opens the sense of who you are becomes bigger. As consciousness is a
widening of light and expansion the open heart recognizes the “I am part of
everything” and starts to feel the influence of existence itself. This brings
for the first time a sense of going beyond your notion of pure physicality, emotionalism and mentality – you are something more. “I am not my body, not my
emotions, nor my thoughts – I am an eternal soul and spirit having a human
experience”. The perspective changes and expands remarkably and a whole new
vast vista opens up.
heart weaves and begins the integration and the healing process. We may ask
ourselves “what would I be without my drama and my story, what would I be
without all the “stuff” I have suppressed” and we start to develop a much more
integrated view of ourselves. As we connect with something greater we
experience a lot of release and relief, elevation, lightness and freedom and we
become genuinely curious about life, truth, existence and God – a longing
awakens to know who we really are and where we came from and why are we here.
We are tapping into a source that is much more, is mysterious to our ordinary
day-to-day consciousness and elevated.
start to take others into consideration and develop kindness, compassion and
care. Our understanding of life’s many relationships deepens and we enter the
bridge between the purely human personality based expression meeting the part
of us which is informed by our soul and our inclusive divine spirit.
beliefs reflect belonging and we get glimpses of understanding that our
experience is our own responsibility – some of which chocks us, some of which
we may delight in. Yet, life does become more trustworthy again and there is a
strong longing for connection. We seek our own healing and this lower heart
opening is a great sphere of self-development, inner growth and improvement. We
may seek therapy, counselling, healing and spiritual groups to find like-minded
validation comes from how we experience our inner space. In the previous stages this did not yet enter, we were still in the outer world of matter, now we are
curious of the inner world of feeling, sensations and soul, deeper causes
inside. We look for ease, flow, rightness, softening of struggle and pain. We
want an authenticity we haven’t sought before and we want to know ourselves on
a deeper level.
can unbalance the heart center, causing blood pressure imbalances and insomnia.
Also greed and over concern or protection of one’s so-called “rights” can bring this center into an unhealthy state.
identity is still present as the lower heart opens but it is behaving itself
and seeking identification with a new sphere of meaningfulness, people and
connections. We find current day spiritual materialism here, the jargon and the
spiritual platitudes, all part of the group of people seeking a new sphere of
belonging. The New Age market place, fairs of glitter, bumper stickers and
paraphernalia of angels, crystals and incenses etc. You have to at least do
yoga, although with mostly body preoccupation, to feel part of this new sphere
of exploration your heart has invited you towards and you may seek a new way of feeling special, a trap of the ego, to feel the belonging you seek. Later your yoga
practice may indeed become a real portal to the inner self-inquiry and deeper alchemy.
is a huge bandwidth and encompasses all forms of spiritual seekers, some of
which, if they stay in this sphere alone can develop real smugness, yet another
trap on the way. As the soul influences already a bit, the heart would not open
otherwise, we look towards going within to meet our needs. We are kinder
towards ourselves and others, more accepting, humorous and philosophical. We
are choosing and being more pro-active about what we want and how we engage
with life.
journey into the depths of our hearts is long and there is often a lot of
healing needing to take place, of self-acceptance, potential overwhelm of
emotions, looking at our defenses and melting and transmuting energies further.
If we get past the lower heart to integrating the upper heart, deeper genuine work
starts and humbleness enters, we remember and get glimpses of what the soul
already knows and we enter a genuine spiritual inquiry, find our path and our
calling, eventually reaching the point of no return. The heart starts to fully
function after, what in the esoteric philosophy is called the second initiation or the baptism, where one ceases to think solely as an
individual and in addition becomes attuned to group consciousness. By the time
we have fully embraced this bandwidth, all upper centers would have opened to a
greater degree in unison with the heart center and we enter into a life of
service and dedication – a fairly high state of consciousness. The brow center and the heart become fully alive and the brow centers gland the pituitary body
enters into activity. The long healing journey, which may take life-times, takes us through our
childhood wounding to ancestral patterns and past life energies seeking healing
and redemption, all depending on our souls purpose and stage of evolution.
the deeper spiritual inquiry starts we would have embarked on a real conscious soul
search, building through meditation practice our connection with the downward
gazing soul. We seek the stillness; observe our witnessing awareness and engage
in self inquiry. As the heart starts to open it awakens the soul and she starts
to pay attention to what her reflection, the personality is doing. A process of
infusion, invocation, evocation and integration brings us to greater soul
infusion, magnetism, health and wholeness. We open ourselves to the unknown and
surrender. Dedicated and disciplined spiritual practice and meditation enters
and we do them regularly, daily.
heart is a real choice point. Our relating to the world changes to that of
compassion, respect for diversity and a willingness to be part of the solution
rather than the problem and we desperately try and find how we can contribute.
Yet we also realize that we are not yet a fully embodied divinity walking our
solution, emanating divine Love continuously. Actually we become acutely aware
of what still needs correcting, integrating and healing. Love, awe, reverence
to all life, wonder enters and a willingness to do our inner work consistently.
In esoteric philosophy it is said that aspirants do what they want, but disciples
do what is needed, they are at this stage locked by the soul, the inner spheres
of their aura and their etheric body, connections to greater streams of life, follow
instructions and guidance.
we may get glimpses of the oneness and the wholeness, have some experiential peak experiences, yet they are fleeting and we find ourselves still in
separation. We know, but cannot yet embody nor take full ownership of the
expanded, all-encompassing Be-ness or Absolute Truth. Knowing and living it are
two different matters. Knowing God conceptually and living God are still miles
apart. Yet at the top of this bandwidth, the wide open heart fully connected and
the soul infused into our whole being the experiences of truth realized can
come. At this point there is “no my soul or thy soul – only one soul of
humanity”. A soul field currently in huge distress, yet for the individual
reaching this stage it somehow bothers less. You may still engage in the suffering of humanity,
it may even hurt more especially if you are a kinaesthetic sensitive, feeling
the pain of the world, but you also understand that every individual soul is
exactly where it needs to be in its own evolutionary journey. You realize that every soul is you, as you are them. You become a
contributing emanation into the collective field and counterbalance
some of that suffering.
lot of courage is needed to reach truth realized, as the subtler shadow
imprints in our soul field seek our awareness. We are both remembering and
forgetting; when triggers come our way we may still fall back on our
separation. The finer the energy we magnetize and attract, the more subtle the
our aspiration is to firmly connect with our soul, it may come as a surprise to
many spiritual seekers that we have to work through every single resonance from
the lower bandwidths to reach our ultimate goal. And as the actual remembering
of our soul field doesn't start until the heart has readily opened, we find
ourselves re-entering, re-capitulating some of the lower bandwidths to
integrate the hurts, wounding and fear still lingering there.
stand between worlds, often spacious, open, vulnerable and inquisitive. We
recognize our egos, lower self story and see both our humanness and our
challenge here becomes the legacy of old patterns of our many life times, how to
grow beyond the initial realization and integrate more and more of who we truly
are. There is always risk of ego claiming new ground, of getting too pleased
with ourselves and our attainment. The shift between the lower heart to the
upper heart is really asking for demonstration, spirit is requiring proof,
embodiment and being real. We cannot take our baggage with us to heaven, nor
bring an uplifting contribution by directing the beautiful vibration of heaven
fully down to Earth unless we do the multi-generational, multi life-time work
that’s needed at this stage.
Our responsibility now is to stay with and persevere with our meditation practice, be
authentically present to what is real and arising in the moment and have the
courage to go even deeper. We are sometimes left to our own devices, in the
later stages of the journey, without a mentor, guide or guru in order to embody
the demonstration needed. You are asked to use your heart to deal with everything
you brought with you as your soul incarnated and your ultimate authority is
your own soul and the divine God spark within you. Time and space are relative
processes, all is present in the now. You work with both personal and
Universal collective patterns.
slowly the triggers and tests diminish as you start to work more with existence
rather than against it. Before the upper heart opening we use existence against
ourselves in order to find our way through life experience, through the neither
this nor that, we eventually find our path. Life becomes simpler and more
The burning ground,
To reach this stage we would have consciously and earnestly been surrendering and inviting our soul, the Divine Angel, to infuse us for a long time. Behind the slow opening we sense life, energy, spiritual embodiment and the fact of the soul, eternity living through us. Between lies what in esoteric philosophy is called the burning ground which has to be crossed. This represents all the karmic energies the soul has stored in its field since numerous lifetimes, since the divine spark set forth from Oneness. The question facing us now is whether our will and our surrender is strong enough to submit to the fires of the final purification. This is already a very high stage of development, the personality has become a useful instrument which the soul and spirit can use and it is a highly trained agent for service. It has, however, its points of weakness which are liable to present points of crisis and has likewise its points of strength, on the whole a dependable vessel or grail. The big question facing us here is whether we have the courage to cross this final burning ground to allow spirit full reign of our personality, allowing the divine total control. We have to bring the two aspects of our nature fully together, marry the divine feminine and the divine masculine in our hearts in full consciousness with clear intention. It is at this midway point of the heart where the great submission of the lower to the higher takes place. It is an "invocative decision" of the personality which, in time, produces and "evocative response" from the soul. This all takes place in the field of consciousness, the lesser light moves towards the greater light of your own being - a true light in its own right and the personality is absorbed into the greater light of the soul. The personality becomes lost in sight in the radiant aura of the Angel.
journey of expansion brings more and more light of presence, awareness,
expansion and harmony into the mix and reverberates throughout your field into
the collective field of humanity. Your soul would have brought its contribution
to the whole and accomplished its task incarnating fully into all corners of
your Universe. The body of the soul, the causal body dissolved there is only pure spirit flowing
through the personality. It is Existence itself experiencing itself through
your specific, unique expression and fully embodied here on Earth. This is the eye
of the needle which asks a lot of faith and courage to step through into
awake heart is like the sky that pours light” - Hafiz
is all an inside job!
Inspired by my own journey, study in esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom tradition, especially esoteric soul based healing and notes from a recent workshop with Jeddah Mali.