Spleen centre / Third bandwidth
This center is not one of the seven major centers, but very important nevertheless. It is
closely connected to the physical spleen and located to the left of the navel
on the side in the etheric body. The etheric spleen center is not controlled by
the etheric spinal columns as are the other major centers. It is a six petal
double center, one superimposed on the other, making it a twelve petal lotus.
It is a massive energy structure, more powerful than some of the major centers. It is in this center that the receptive life
of matter and the living energy of the etheric body come together, connecting
the physical plane with the inner living bodies of a human being through the
medium of the etheric body.
In the physical body we have the fires of our lower nature centralised at the base of the spine. This central point of heat radiates in all directions, using the spinal column as its main artery yet having a special association with the spleen.
The etheric body, an exact replica of the physical body is our vehicle of prana. It stores up the rays of the sun and transmits them, via the spleen to all parts of the physical body.
The physical spleen is essentially a blood cleanser and is intimately involved in the production of macrophages for immune response (working with the thymus gland). It removes old blood cells from the blood stream and breaks them down. It also stores blood in its spongy tissue. The Chinese see the spleen as the primary link whereby food is transformed into prana or chi and blood. It is considered as a primary organ of digestion, which conforms more to the esoteric view of the spleen as the organ of vitality. It is also said to rule transformation and transportation. It is also referred to as the foundation of postnatal existence and refers to the fact that while the foetus is developing, it is the mother's spleen which supplies vitality to the developing foetus.
The spleen governs the blood and keeps it flowing in its proper paths. If the spleen is not functioning in harmony all types of blood disorders develop. The spleen also rules muscles, flesh and lower limbs. It governs blood flow to these and therefore their vitality.
There is a triangle in the upper part of the etheric body especially absorbing the pranic emanations from the Sun. It is formed by 1) a point between the shoulderblades 2) a point above the diaphragm and 3) the spleen. With this triangle in good functioning there will be improved physical vitality, health and adaptability. Out of these three points it is the spleen that assimilates the inflow. The vital essence of the Sun is passed into the etheric spleen, and is there subjected to a process of intensification or devitalisation, according to the condition, health of that organ. If the person is healthy the emanation received will be augmented by his own individual vibration before it is passed on into the physical spleen and from there to our blood stream.
In the physical body we have the fires of our lower nature centralised at the base of the spine. This central point of heat radiates in all directions, using the spinal column as its main artery yet having a special association with the spleen.
The etheric body, an exact replica of the physical body is our vehicle of prana. It stores up the rays of the sun and transmits them, via the spleen to all parts of the physical body.
The physical spleen is essentially a blood cleanser and is intimately involved in the production of macrophages for immune response (working with the thymus gland). It removes old blood cells from the blood stream and breaks them down. It also stores blood in its spongy tissue. The Chinese see the spleen as the primary link whereby food is transformed into prana or chi and blood. It is considered as a primary organ of digestion, which conforms more to the esoteric view of the spleen as the organ of vitality. It is also said to rule transformation and transportation. It is also referred to as the foundation of postnatal existence and refers to the fact that while the foetus is developing, it is the mother's spleen which supplies vitality to the developing foetus.
The spleen governs the blood and keeps it flowing in its proper paths. If the spleen is not functioning in harmony all types of blood disorders develop. The spleen also rules muscles, flesh and lower limbs. It governs blood flow to these and therefore their vitality.
There is a triangle in the upper part of the etheric body especially absorbing the pranic emanations from the Sun. It is formed by 1) a point between the shoulderblades 2) a point above the diaphragm and 3) the spleen. With this triangle in good functioning there will be improved physical vitality, health and adaptability. Out of these three points it is the spleen that assimilates the inflow. The vital essence of the Sun is passed into the etheric spleen, and is there subjected to a process of intensification or devitalisation, according to the condition, health of that organ. If the person is healthy the emanation received will be augmented by his own individual vibration before it is passed on into the physical spleen and from there to our blood stream.
is the center most involved when there is too much or too little energy, when
the person feels depleted or highly strung. The spleen also assimilates planetary
prana or chi, the spleen governs the working of the body, the amount of
life-force available in the body. This centre is connected to many electrical
circuits within the body.
the spleen is directly connected with the infusion of soul energy as it is part
of the bridge connecting personality consciousness with the soul, bridging
prana and life-force with soul’s energy and your spark of divinity. It is also
connected to the pituitary gland in the head, which in turn has an influence on
the opening of the third eye.
The role of the spleen as a bridge is often forgotten. It connects both with the base of the spine as well as with the top of the head being an important link between the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. In the soul lotus the energy stream from the spleen eventually, after many incarnations and much work & purification, enters the central jewel of the lotus being part of the process of connecting matter and spirit - collapsing them into one expansive radiant illumination. The spleen is one of the intermediaries, together with the heart center between the lower and the higher centers.
Our current, especially western busy life-style may cause inability to tap enough into pranic currents of the Sun and we get cut off from this life-saving supply with our centers shrinking and becoming congested. The constant exposure to electromagnetic smog from our mobile phones, I-pads, I-phones, computers etc. may also cause disturbances in the etheric body's capacity to channel the needed planetary and solar pranic energies. Over-eating, over-drinking and tiredness from overwork injure the spleen.
Emotionally a healthy spleen gives appreciation and humour, zest of living when the spleen is energised. When the spleen is weak people may want to escape and have a harder time facing up to responsibility, there may be denial, avoidance and self protection. If we carry a mask, it is heavy for the spleen, as we are not able to show our true emotions.
The role of the spleen as a bridge is often forgotten. It connects both with the base of the spine as well as with the top of the head being an important link between the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. In the soul lotus the energy stream from the spleen eventually, after many incarnations and much work & purification, enters the central jewel of the lotus being part of the process of connecting matter and spirit - collapsing them into one expansive radiant illumination. The spleen is one of the intermediaries, together with the heart center between the lower and the higher centers.
Our current, especially western busy life-style may cause inability to tap enough into pranic currents of the Sun and we get cut off from this life-saving supply with our centers shrinking and becoming congested. The constant exposure to electromagnetic smog from our mobile phones, I-pads, I-phones, computers etc. may also cause disturbances in the etheric body's capacity to channel the needed planetary and solar pranic energies. Over-eating, over-drinking and tiredness from overwork injure the spleen.
Emotionally a healthy spleen gives appreciation and humour, zest of living when the spleen is energised. When the spleen is weak people may want to escape and have a harder time facing up to responsibility, there may be denial, avoidance and self protection. If we carry a mask, it is heavy for the spleen, as we are not able to show our true emotions.
keep the spleen center healthy we need to absorb pranic energy through the Sun,
get a lot of fresh air from forests or coastlines, eat a healthy balanced diet,
have aspiration which inspires the emotional body and keep mentally alert and
vibrant. When the spleen is depleted we experience devitalisation, a feeling of
congestion, depression, physical heaviness, sluggishness, inertia, fuzzy thoughts and
tiredness with sleeplessness. Naturally, doing our inner work, shining our light into the darker spaces within, bringing our soul essence down into matter are all essential for the good health of the etheric spleen and consequently the physical spleen.
we manage to resolve some of our karma by bringing our beautiful soul fully
into our lower bandwidths, i.e. heal the dissonant frequencies and vibrations
held by the soul and stored within the causal body, the spleen automatically expands
and makes more energy available. One must fully incarnate, be fully conscious on all levels wherein bodies have been formed and occupied. If a person seeks to leave the physical consciousness either through day dreaming, disassociation or going numb because of unresolved trauma, sleep or death, the spleen is most definitely affected and plays a role in the process. Vitality and activity is lessened if the Higher Self/Soul is not present in the body. Therefore, if we wish to be vital, feel truly alive, if we seek good humour and high spirits, lets attend to fully incarnating our higher selves, soul-infusion, and open our spleens to the boundless energy and life which is there for us. In a shaman words: in the process of healing, we set free the
discordant energies bound in our life-times of stories, in our wounds and
transform these energies into power and compassion within us, thus reclaiming our own soul.
In my own journey of soul-infusion paying attention to the etheric spleen, the spleen meridian and subsequently the spleen itself has been and continues to be apparent and very important. As mentioned before the etheric spleen is a double center, one superimposed on the other, each with 6 petals and is in its totality comprising a huge center with 12 petals. In a vision I once had, I saw how the lower 6 petals are connected to the Earthly side of our nature and the 6 higher ones to our Divine nature, and how these upper petals only open fully as some of the healing of the lower bandwidths have been somewhat resolved. I do my own meditation and healing work, using Esoteric Healing on myself as well as collaborate with a talented vibrational healer Kate; and nine times out of ten the centers of the spleen are receiving some attention. Incarnating fully and embodying my soul essence here in the sphere of life on Earth has been quite a challenge; it is like putting a vast genie back into a slightly too small a bottle. With each 'success' the energetic bottle or Holy Grail for the genie to flow into and express itself has expanded.
To support the souls journey of infusion we have to be properly grounded. Everyone working with any kind of spiritual healing has heard this millions of times, the chalice has to be able to carry the fire of spirit to ground and embody the energies in matter. This groundedness expands with each step on the way, as we incarnate more fully into the wholeness of who you are. As consciousness equals energy our capacity to ground is relative to our capacity to embody our divinity in all of our centers and our aura.
Many people understand this grounding principle in a narrowish manner, thinking that it is to do purely with our physicality, our connection with outer nature. It is naturally that, but much more. To the extent you still carry imbalances in your first, second and third center, in your lower bandwidths your energy cannot ground itself fully on Earth. See further my blog posts about the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart centers. Everything is interconnected.
"All disease is an inhibition of soul life" / Esoteric Healing / Alice a Bailey
Sources: Alan Hopkins / Esoteric Healing
Alice A. Bailey / Treatise of Cosmic Fire
Malvin N. Artley Jr. / Bodies of Fire
Inspired by my own journey, study in esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom tradition, especially esoteric soul based healing and notes from a workshop with Jeddah Mali.
In my own journey of soul-infusion paying attention to the etheric spleen, the spleen meridian and subsequently the spleen itself has been and continues to be apparent and very important. As mentioned before the etheric spleen is a double center, one superimposed on the other, each with 6 petals and is in its totality comprising a huge center with 12 petals. In a vision I once had, I saw how the lower 6 petals are connected to the Earthly side of our nature and the 6 higher ones to our Divine nature, and how these upper petals only open fully as some of the healing of the lower bandwidths have been somewhat resolved. I do my own meditation and healing work, using Esoteric Healing on myself as well as collaborate with a talented vibrational healer Kate; and nine times out of ten the centers of the spleen are receiving some attention. Incarnating fully and embodying my soul essence here in the sphere of life on Earth has been quite a challenge; it is like putting a vast genie back into a slightly too small a bottle. With each 'success' the energetic bottle or Holy Grail for the genie to flow into and express itself has expanded.
To support the souls journey of infusion we have to be properly grounded. Everyone working with any kind of spiritual healing has heard this millions of times, the chalice has to be able to carry the fire of spirit to ground and embody the energies in matter. This groundedness expands with each step on the way, as we incarnate more fully into the wholeness of who you are. As consciousness equals energy our capacity to ground is relative to our capacity to embody our divinity in all of our centers and our aura.
Many people understand this grounding principle in a narrowish manner, thinking that it is to do purely with our physicality, our connection with outer nature. It is naturally that, but much more. To the extent you still carry imbalances in your first, second and third center, in your lower bandwidths your energy cannot ground itself fully on Earth. See further my blog posts about the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart centers. Everything is interconnected.
"All disease is an inhibition of soul life" / Esoteric Healing / Alice a Bailey
Sources: Alan Hopkins / Esoteric Healing
Alice A. Bailey / Treatise of Cosmic Fire
Malvin N. Artley Jr. / Bodies of Fire
Inspired by my own journey, study in esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom tradition, especially esoteric soul based healing and notes from a workshop with Jeddah Mali.
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