Cluny Hill, Findhorn Foundation, Scotland
Through my etheric body I am, we all
are, connected to the etheric body of humanity. This greater etheric body of
humanity is connected to the planetary etheric body as part of the solar
systemic etheric body, which is part of the Galactic etheric body. Like holons
within holons we are intermingled, interconnected and interdependent. Depending
of our circumference of consciousness we connect and influence these sphere’s of
life. As Above so Below and As Below so Above. The hard question within science
and spirituality of today is: does life arise from consciousness, or does consciousness
arise from life? What do you think?
For the past 7 years I’ve been
meditating daily in Cluny Sanctuary. With the consistency and regularity an
etheric temple is formed in the space and I slip easily into alignment allowing
soul and spirit to work through me. The masculine form principle in me yields
to the more subtle feminine, soul principle and I commune, absorb, transmute and
transform. I am forever grateful for having had this period of absorption in my
life in such a beautiful sacred place and space.
My extended and expanded body has
three mayor holons. I prefer the word “holons of life” to “hierarchies of life”
because a holon indicates both the part and the whole. Somehow I see the word “hierarchy”
as a Piscean age word very loaded with all kinds of meaning in today’s world, whereas “holon” is a
more inclusive Aquarian age word, actually more accurately descriptive of life as it truly is.
Wikipedia describes holons as autonomous and self-reliant units of
independence, where the greater life always includes previous holons. This
inclusion means that there cannot be transcendence without inclusion of all the levels of life, including the body and its lowest density of vibration. This is where matter is spiritualized. In all
three mayor holons the elements, building blocks of life - fire, earth, air and
water flow like manna from heaven and where they do not flow, trauma, blockages or karma has entered. In this context heaven is including all
holons and spheres of life; nothing is not of GOD or LIFE. These holons of life flow evenly once all blockages have been removed and the body-temple becomes the rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth as it is meant to be.
Life is full of paradoxes, one right
here in the description of a holon as a unit of independence. How do we get
from self-reliant unit of independence to interdependence and
interconnectedness as postulated by the structures of our etheric layers? From
the inner side of life this points to the fact that each and everyone of us is a unique spark of Divinity in incarnation as LIFE/GOD creates through ever greater
diversity and complexity, I AM uniquely me, as you are uniquely you. This
creative diversity expresses itself through the myriad of life forms on this
planet. My sameness and interconnectedness I get in touch with and clearly sense
when the second holon of soul starts to express itself, and in the last
one, on the Galactic level a sense of utter non-dual Oneness sets in. On all
levels life is sacred and with each expansion inner magnetism, electricity and
radiation increases within the little holon living through a specific body, a
vessel of life. With each expansion greater responsibility kicks in, holding
equilibrium, harmony and balance to counter the strata of disturbing,
un-redeemed dross of energy in the body of humanity of which we are a part. Luckily
I am, we are far from alone in soul-life or Galactic life and I surrender my
vessel for the work.
A quote from Alice A. Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology
expands: “The field of space is etheric in nature and its vital body is
composed of the totality of etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems
and planets which are found therein. Throughout this cosmic golden web there is
a constant circulation of energies and forces and this constitutes the
scientific basis of the astrological theories. Just as the forces of the planet
and of the inner spiritual man (to mention only one factor among many) pour
through the etheric body of the individual man upon the physical plane, and
condition his outer expression, activities, and qualities, so do the varying
forces of the universe pour through every part of the etheric body of that
entity we call space and condition and determine the outer expression, the
activities and qualities of every form found within the cosmic periphery.''
recent meditation gave this beautiful flow from soul & spirit levels of my
HUMANITY HOLON (Personality)
(water) in my feet asks me to walk
lightly on Earth honouring the sacredness of life. Aquarius (air) in my shins asks me to rise up above the
waters (emotions) of my own life and take in the bigger picture allowing the
water of sacred life (liquid light) to pour through my feet. Capricorn (earth) teaches
me humbleness, I fall on my knees to
honour the great mystery of life and I find my place and serve it selflessly.
Sagittarius (fire) in my hips gives
me the strength and the resolute to walk the inner path, to aim my light both
high and low in reverence to life bringing a higher frequency into the lower
spheres, uplifting life in my heart.
(water) in my gonads digs deep into
the unconscious waters of my being and my soul field to see what needs
redeeming and what maybe just a blessing, lifting up my own dross. Virgo
(earth) lives in my intestines and
digests and dissects life helping me find clarity. Libra (air) balances the
scales of justice in my kidneys helping
me to find the golden middle path between light and dark. Leo (fire) lives in
my heart opening it to inclusive
love of life.
(water) in my breast(s) opens my
chest further to manna from Heaven and recognizes this beautiful planet Earth
as its home, there is nowhere else to go right now. I am here, I say to spirit.
Gemini (air), lungs, hands and arms
guides me through duality to put together my hands in (feminine & masculine
integration within) a prayer of grace and blessing and go through the portal
into Oneness. Taurus (earth) sometimes stubborn, doesn’t give up in the back of the head and neck gathers the
light in my head and directs it. Aries in my forehead puts it all together in a blast of golden light.
In ancient alchemical traditions we are taught how the
alchemists turned led into gold and did works of magic. This led is our energy
debris carried in the soul field and interpenetrating the body. The soul field
carries our trauma & karma from this life as well as past lives and it also
carries ancestral patters and greater fields of work in our Soul and Spirit
Holons we may have attuned to before incarnation. Turning this “led-like”
energy into a vibration of flowing golden light is the inner path of purification, soul
infusion and surrender to the Divine. From Catherine MacCoun’s book “On Becoming
an Alchemist, A guide for the modern magician”:
The inner alignment of the chakras that gives rise to
alchemical deeds looks like this:
From below toward the heart and from above toward the heart, resulting in a radiating heart.
From below toward the heart and from above toward the heart, resulting in a radiating heart.
Confidence -> Devotion -> Integrity RADIATING HEART <- Word <-
Thought <- Ideal
An alignment of a person who cannot do white magic looks
like this:
<- Fear <- Desire <- Territory HEART Word -> Thought -> Ideal
You will notice how the survival instincts of the
lower chakras would have been transmuted into soul qualities. Fear has become
confidence, desire has become devotion and territory moves into integrity. They
naturally still remain as part of the Human Holon, but their orientation would
have shifted upward. The energy they draw from the earth now streams toward the
heart, not away from it. The heart is the meeting point of heaven and
earth. When the heart is inspired and
empowered by all the other centres its energy streams outward into the world.
Heaven inspired intention coupled with earthy will. Like a diamond, it is
indestructible, cutting and radiant. It has become what was called the
Philosopher’s Stone.
PS! Where the esoteric philosophy and the non-dual approach, which is so popular today, differ is important to understand. The non-dual says that you are already what you are seeking, i.e. the soul, therefore you are perfect. Esoteric philosophy agrees but recognizes that the perfect soul, or divine blueprint, cannot fully express itself through the personality and is in itself evolving. Perfect in its potentiality, but imperfect in its capacity to express itself successfully through the personality in order to serve and make an uplifting contribution. Without understanding, the non-dual approach can become a trap or a diversion, a potential avoidance of the actual work to be undertaken, i.e. clearing up our portion of the collective unconscious and bringing in more love and light. This is honouring the “job description” of every awakened soul.
PS! Where the esoteric philosophy and the non-dual approach, which is so popular today, differ is important to understand. The non-dual says that you are already what you are seeking, i.e. the soul, therefore you are perfect. Esoteric philosophy agrees but recognizes that the perfect soul, or divine blueprint, cannot fully express itself through the personality and is in itself evolving. Perfect in its potentiality, but imperfect in its capacity to express itself successfully through the personality in order to serve and make an uplifting contribution. Without understanding, the non-dual approach can become a trap or a diversion, a potential avoidance of the actual work to be undertaken, i.e. clearing up our portion of the collective unconscious and bringing in more love and light. This is honouring the “job description” of every awakened soul.
Cluny Sanctuary, with gratitude!
Your question about consciousness: according to hylozoics (which is the basis of all esotericism), existence is composed of 3 equal aspects energy (will) - consciousness - matter. None of these can exist without the 2 others. Everything has consciousness, may that be potential, actualized, passive, active or self-active. There isn´t such a thing as "inorganic" matter in the cosmos, everything is alive.------Thanks and greetings, Z.
ReplyDeleteTrinitism is hard to understand. People are always talking about spirit-matter, or purusha-prakriti etc. And to understand that nothing can exist without the 2 other. And how this must concern everything. Not even Annie Besant understood it. She named the 3rd triad Monad(=unity), but it consists of 3 crucial points: 43. 44 and 45. How can a Unity have three parts? ---Olen monta kertaa katsonut kuvaasi Kolilta enkä ymmärtänyt sanaa "spacious" kuin sen konkreettisessa merkitystessä: avara, tilava. En ymmärtänyt, että se on universaali todellisuus, kokemus dualismin toiselta puolelta="täydellinen näkeminen" l. ei-dualismi (siis esoteerinen dualismi, ei filosofinen), jolloin mielemme on hereillä ja "alert". Esteetön näkeminen. Dualistinen mieli ei ole olemuksemme: se on selkeä, kristallinkirkas mieli (jossa ei ole tilaa itsesäälin imaginaatioille). Penetroivaa tajuntaa voidaan Lama Yeshen mukaan treenata. Myös valoteknologian menetelmillä se onnistuu. ---Saavutettuamme jnkv totaalista tajuntaa, myös arkielämän pulmien ratkaisu helpottuu. Kun, kuten tavallisesti erkaannumme tosiolemuksestamme, se on syynä ongelmiimme. Kun elämme poissa perusolemuksestamme, ongelmat alkavat. Mun pitäisi esim. siivota, mutta mieli halajaa biitsille aurinkoon jädelle...Kun näemme tyhjyyden oikein, niin ajatusten häviäminen alkaa tuntua todelllisemmalta kuin niiden olemassaolo tai syntyminen. Kun aivomme herkistyvät, selkeä "spacious" mieli alkaa olla luonnollisempi. Identifikaatio verhoihin loppuu,joka synnyttää illuusiot ja fiktiot. -Edellisen voi selkiyttää mm. 1) Tuijota sinistä taivasta. Se ei ole mitään muuta kuin puhdas, sininen taivas. (tiedämme että siellä on kaasuja. myrkkyjä ja pulviä ilmestyy, mutta nyt se on sininen, uhdas taivas. 2) Peili. Tuijota peiliä, jos se on likainen, ei se anna todellista, realistista kuvaa. Puhdas peili näyttää todelliset kasvosi, likainen paremmat tai pahemmat ilmentymät. 3) Kiehuva vesi. Turbulenssia, sekasotkua. Mutta joka pisara on kirkas vesipisara ,"cosmic water drop".
ReplyDeleteTajunta on ei-dualistisesta näkökulmasta aina puhdas, on ollut aina ja tulee olemaan aina puhdas. ---(Merkillistä kun melkein koko ikäni olen jotenkin hokenut: ei ole hätää, ei ole koskaan ollut, eikä koskaan tule olemaan).
Andre Ciphér