
Thursday, 13 April 2023

Ascent and decent


Writing auto-cosmologically is different from writing an autobiography. The level of experiential subjectivity is greater, including trying to find words to describe the, often eluding, many spiritual dimensions of life. How we experience and understand such dimensions is truly subjective and wholly dependent on mind-body-soul integration, our own unique soul’s journey, the strength, intensity, and insistence of the inner call. We are all unique, therefore no one story is the same, yet through the diversity shared, God’s, prime creator’s co-creative process becomes a bit more visible. The question “who am I” has throughout history called wo/man to dive deep into the mystery, and it seems like an everlasting quest. As we collectively evolve, the question is always asked afresh. Here is my attempt to share with the reader some of what my specific consciousness has experiences, studied, inquired and found.

We live soul-encased lives, within the electromagnetic causal field of our souls, whether we are aware of, or have awakened to the fact or not. We can feel stark feelings of separation in our own little bubble of consciousness in this three-dimensional world. Yet on deeper levels of life, our unity and undividedness with all Life becomes very clear and can be experienced, but requires both the recognition of soul & spirit and the allowing of the soul to inform and infuse us. There are many stages to this process, and first the recognition of soul may suffice, but then as hunger grows, it is important to adopt practices and disciplines to really get to know your own unique soul. It is after all the energetic force that brought you into incarnation, and knowing something of its purpose is preferable. Like with any other skill, it takes practice and patience. Ultimately and somewhat surprisingly, the nature of the process is to the large degree that of remembering. Naturally we may need outer guidance, inspiration, acquire knowledge and wisdom, develop spiritual intelligence, but eventually it is your own indwelling soul who is the most important guide, divinity and inner guru. It has our best interest at heart, even when it’s guiding us to our unconscious shadow lands to look at trauma and pain, uplift and enabling light to shine through. This best interest at heart cannot always be guaranteed with outer guides and gurus.

Universal consciousness is said to be the next stage in human development. Our individuation phase, which started some 4-5000 years ago is reaching its zenith and we are moving towards group- and universal consciousness. Tension runs high currently, between the old and the new, the push to hinder and block this long due, heart-opening and soul-infusion of humanity is enormous. We are living through a break-down, break-through birthing process into a new paradigm and depending on from which side of the equation, interconnected soul, or separated personality we watch the human, planetary and solar-system drama, our home region in this galaxy, at any given moment, it can be felt as either ecstasy or agony.

There is really nothing outside of subjectivity, we are both the perceiver, creator, experiencer, mirror, and reflector of our lives. Therefore, it becomes paramount to what extent awareness, consciousness has been sophisticated and refined, and to what extent we have been able to allow the soul to take charge of our life. Has the soul energy been able to throw light into our shadowy, unconscious realms? Has it uplifted matter (energy blockages in our body, the temple of Salomon), healed trauma and karma?

It is not enough to only have occasional awakening experiences. They need to be joined by and supported by the growth in spiritual intelligence, as it will be the intelligence, which determines how we interpret what happens to us. The perspectives can vary from ego-centric, ethno-centric, world-centric to cosmo-centric – i.e., whatever the worldview of the perceiver. (Ken Wilber) This is a fairly recent recognition. Humans have been having awakening experiences throughout history for probably 50.000 years counting the many shamanic practices of indigenous tribes since time immemorial. Spiritual intelligence as such, was only recognized some 100 years ago, a fairly new development. We have many kinds of intelligences: cognitive, musical, mathematical, spatial, emotional etc. and we also have spiritual intelligence. Sadly, none of our dogmatic religious institutions have recognized this specific form of intelligence and they have unfortunately with time become both stale and crystallized in old forms, having mostly stayed at the ethno-centric level of spiritual intelligence. Although we do see some positive developments more recently in ecumenical recognition that all world religions offer, in their deepest mystical teachings a path to enlightenment and greater wholeness, albeit only to the few, not necessarily yet to the many.

There is a huge difference to recognize and say “I have a soul”, to having come to the realization “the soul has me.” The inner directive has changed and cannot be reversed when soul-infusion has happened already to a large degree. The point of no return has been reached, awe, humility and surrender are daily companions as the soul reveals its ever-expanding scope. For me this realization started coming in some twenty years ago and really landed in 2005, prior to that there had been some ten years of remembering and interest, mainly within the Tibetan Buddhist lineages.

I want to share a few subjective awakening experiences, some of them seventeen years apart, to demonstrate the slow patient path and how both decent and ascent are necessary for the heart center to fully open. Both are needed, and one is no better than the other, rather they are in a constant vibratory relationship to one another. When you go up (Yang), you need to go down, in order to integrate and infuse.  When you go down (Yin), like a rubber band, the upper temple stretches to meet the challenge, to receive the energies, traumas, blocks and helping them release and heal in your heart. My estimate is, that some 70- 80% of our wounding – early childhood trauma, karmic blocks, ancestral-, national- and humanity wide trauma/karma layers– sits in the Yin portion of the electromagnetic field of our individual and collective bodies. So badly has this sacred part of our temple, Earth-bound, feminine energy, right side of the brain, been suppressed during the era of patriarchy, masculine energy dominance (in both men and women). Pain gets frozen and solidified in matter, creates entropy and blocks. This has happened for all people, families and the Earth herself. The soul’s greatest desire is to incarnate fully, re-write the patterns of matter (your body and the body of Earth), spiritualize and uplift matter, release the pain and bring new loving patterns, creativity and fluidity into our lives.

A good example of pain ridden matter is any battle field or place where enormous human suffering has occurred. Also true where ever animals have suffered or where the plant kingdom has been devastated. From this perspective climate change and crisis as it is portrayed and propagandized today, even this, is ultimately an inner journey of healing. As hearts heal and come into coherence with all life, right relationship towards Earth and her kingdoms will come about naturally. She is I; and I am not separate from her and I treat her with love and respect.

When I visited the Battlefield of Culloden in the Highlands of Scotland for the first time it was a painful experience. The battle of Culloden, between the Jacobite’s and England’s governmental troops took place in 1746, yet still today sensitives can sense and feel the pain that lay dormant in the landscape. I could not just feel it in my body, my high-sense sight and smell opened up and I saw streams of greyish-white, slightly bad-smelling energy flowing up from the ground.  I spent a few hours walking around in nausea, staying with my heart open and feeling great reverence for the sacrifices that must have happened there nearly 300 years ago. Still today we humans wage war, and future sensitives and healers will walk other battlefields releasing the pain stuck there. It is so sad, that we as a species have not managed to transcended the us versus them mindset, a great majority are still very ethno-centric in their worldviews and create strife and wars projecting the evil outside of themselves, instead of uprooting it from within.


Approximately three years ago, a few months before the pandemic started, my inner guidance asked me to withdraw, concentrate on my meditation and transmutation work. For a moment, I was perplexed as I had clients booked and a workshop planned as well as other spiritual service work in the pipeline for 2020. But the soul-promptings were strong and as I was already accustomed to trusting and taking them seriously, I adhered to the instructions. Little did I understand, at the time, the level of chaos humanity was about to plunge itself into as the pandemic hit early 2020. All outer activity STOPPED, but on the inner planes the anxiety, fear and panic of the collective field could be felt!

The Wesak of 2020, May full moon, became a deep and profound expansion for me. I had gone out in nature to a beautiful spot close by. It has gorgeous old trees, a big birch, a big pine, and a big conifer, all have stood there for hundreds of years in a landscape with opening fields, a lake to the left and far off forest to the right. I had found the area some years earlier, a little nature reserve, preserved because of ancient bronze age graves and a far forgotten, over grown garden from times immemorial. I had often come here to this small spot of beauty to meditate. With the old trees behind me there is the prefect granite stone-seat overlooking the fields, a favorite spot.

By this time, a few months into the pandemic frenzy, life in all society had come to a halt, strict restrictions everywhere. Gaia and her kingdoms received a pause from incessant human activity, she breathed more easily and the skies were clearer as all airplanes were stranded on ground. There was an extraordinary stillness that day. Beautiful sunshine with just a few puffy little clouds slowly moving past. I settled into meditation.

My field started expanding almost immediately as I sank deeper into meditation. But this time, the expansion did not stop at its usual frequency, but continued in my electromagnetic field both down, above, and sideways. I felt a deep feeling of melting into the landscape, becoming the landscape, embraced by grace and love, tears rising to my eyes – pure awe, sinking deeper into Gaia’s inner Earth as well as rising higher into space and cosmos. Suddenly the sound barrier broke, a devastating sound pulse came through, five times in an interval of a few minutes apart.  Naturally I got startled. Amazed I peeked to see if there was after all an airplane flying low, but no, nothing was to be seen and anyway nothing worldly could produce such a rhythmic sound. The sound came equally from below the Earth, or through her, and above from space, penetrating my aura, etheric body, and physical body. This kind of monadic, pure-spirit sound-bombardment had happened once before, seventeen years earlier, then too accompanied by a huge expansion of my aura, so I was not totally thrown off center. I composed myself quickly and settled to continue the meditation. After maybe an hour, deep emotions of vulnerability were rising and an inner voice said several times: “Mother, mother, why have we forsaken you?” I was not crying, nor sobbing, rather, focused and concentrated, in a deep meditative state, yet a silent flow of tears started running along my cheeks as I sank deeper and deeper into communion with the Goddess and her beingness within Gaia. A metallic-like, cold and crystalline energy started streamed through me from below and with my inner eye I saw the most beautiful crystal at her core, emanating streams of light forming a gorgeous mandala throughout her being. Her heart pulsing at her core. My energy body, the filaments of etheric substance touched this mandala and heart, an understanding of our unity overwhelmed me. I was in her heart and she was in mine. After a long while, staying with this overwhelming recognition, my consciousness surged through the middle point of the mandala, a mini black hole, through a portal into the other side, only to arrive in the hugely expansive strata of the Universe with the black hole of our Milky Way galaxy looming above me. The universal and the singular were collapsing within me in the most graceful expansive manner. The electricity running through my system was very strong and I could feel four hearts pulsating in rhythm, Gaia’s heart, my own, the heart of the Sun and the heart of the Galaxy. This phase was so intense it did not last very long, but the imprint of the collapse and the pulsating hearts in multiple dimensions stayed.

This experience was profound, being simultaneously in ecstasy and agony (if that is possible), feeling deep at-onement with Gaia, her kingdoms, and the Universe at large. Now, nearly three years later, I am still integrating.

Sound barrier pulse break

I had experienced the sound barrier pulse break once before. It happened during my solitary retreat time, maybe the year was 2007. It was a hot summers day in august and I sat in my garden reading Alice A. Bailey’s book Esoteric Astrology. A very strange reading experience, not understanding much of what I was reading, but downloading energy streams through my crown center with such intensity, I could not let the book from my hands. Behind me a thunderstorm was rising up, I could hear its rumble, and I followed it closely to catch the moment before the rain to go inside. That moment never came, even though the air became very electric and the background rumble increased. Instead, there was suddenly the most horrendous sound, nothing like thunderstorm, but rather deep, deep male voices sounding Heyaa/Hoyaa with such fortissimo I jumped up, looking around me. Simultaneously my field started expanding. The sound came from everywhere, I could not place it in some specific direction.  I looked around for an explanation to this rhythmic sound, it came five times a few minutes apart. Could someone on the other side of the shore play the radio so loudly? But no, it was not possible, no such sound was possible and anyway if it would have been an ordinary loud sound, why was my field expanding. I sat down in bewilderment. After a while the thunderstorm behind me resided and no rain nor storm came.

Later that evening I checked my emails. I had been in correspondence with Maureen Richmond, the author of the book Sirius. As part of her answer to my many questions, she sent me a tabulation of the means by which monadic levels may communicate. To my astonishment Ray One was listed as: Thunderstorm, lightning and sound. The synchronicity of experience, and information received, gave me goosebumps. Those two-and-a-half retreat years were full of wonder and such strange synchronicity, one could say my soul was working on me.


Cosmic lightning bolt

Seventeen years ago, a cosmic lightning bolt struck through my whole energy system. It was Easter 2005, I was participating in a week long, intense shamanic workshop at the Findhorn Foundation, Norther Scotland exploring my zodiac, my soul’s energetic matrix through shamanic journeying. I had already studied Astro-Shamanism at the Foundation for over a year and practiced journeying, travelling both to the under-world and the upper-world intensively in search of information. Learning to distinguish between humanity’s collective fields of astral drama and catching those soul-fragments, belonging to me and in need of integration, relevant for my own soul’s journey in this life time. In addition to journeying alone, we also worked in pairs and did powerful releasing trance-dances to intense music and drumming. During the whole week I had been led, over and over again, to crucifixion scenes, and had drawn many such pictures in my notebook. In a pair-journey with Celia, after she had journeyed for me, she reported back: “Why did you climb up on the cross over and over again? I had to drag you down three times, before you were willing to stay laying on the ground. Only then could a bed of roses be laid upon your body.” Our astonishment was great as I showed her the crucifixion drawings I had made throughout the week.

On the last day the group did a procession to the nearby power point, at Cluny Hill where allegedly the energies of Venus connect with the core of the Earth. Already at the beginning of the procession I started feeling very weird, my energy body expanding rapidly on its own accord and I could not make any sense of what was happening. Simultaneously the feeling sensation was that my physical body was shrinking (of course it was not, but this is how it felt) and I was getting weaker and weaker as the increased high voltage energy took hold of me. I had great difficulty following the silent procession getting up along the spiraling path to the top. Somewhere in my being I knew something substantial was going on and I tried to surrender, but fear crept in as my ego fought and tried to understand the impossible. Finally at the top of the power point, I collapsed and fell on my knees with my head to the ground, just sobbing out of exhaustion in great bewilderment, excruciating pain all over my physical body. My energy field continued to expand and I lost outer sight, my consciousness left the body and within seconds, seemed instantaneously, I was transported into a blazing white light which penetrated all layers of my being, also the physical body all the way down to the bones. I was literally electrified with an enormous power as if struck by lightning.

The pain was unbearable, yet there was a sense of layered presence and somewhere a feeling of surrender and clarity, some part of me was saying it’s all right, just be with it. A strange telepathic transmission and communication took place, scattering my worldview forever through this all-encompassing experience. One of the things the blazing light said, “this is who you are, actually this is who everybody is if only they knew.” I responded by muttering: “you must have the wrong person, I am not ready for this, where am I, what is happening?” but the light disagreed, “timing is perfect, we have prepared you for a long time, you are ready, you are on Sirius.”

I literally thought I was dying, a kind of NDE (near death experience) although this was not happening on the operating table or in a car-crash or any other kind of outer circumstance. There was no tunnel of light, but an instantaneous transportation to the light. I was told later by those around me that I had been gone for about 20 minutes. I finally started to feel the earth underneath my body again, my consciousness slowly returning. I was trembling and very weak, so weak in fact that I had to be carried down the path, my body had lost all its strength. My friends helped me inside the building, laid me on the floor and tucked me under some blankets as I was shivering and ice cold. Someone brought Rescue Remedy and dropped a few drops under my tongue. Several hours later I was brought home and fell straight into my bed sleeping some 30 hours in one go, trying to recover from what could only be described as a traumatic event for my body, ego and personality.

It took me many months to initially make sense (if that’s even possible) of what had happened to me. I wrote down the experience in order to ground it and help integrate. I could not initially speak to anyone about it; at the time I did not know who to turn to and somehow, I knew my experience was outside most people’s experiences, even those on a spiritual path. It sunk in, that I would initially, be quite alone in my exploration into what had happened to me. Eventually this lightning bolt experience instigated an extensive (slightly obsessive for some years, I admit) study into the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Philosophies of the world in search for a more grounded and deeper understanding into my nature as a soul, hoping for some explanations of the peak-experience and its subsequent expansion of consciousness. Thankfully I found a lot of what I was looking for, which helped immensely in the integration and expanding understanding of my spirit-soul-mind-body connection and underlying wholeness. The role humanity plays as a bridge between spirit and matter became clearer.

In the coming years peak experiences continued although they were not as dramatic as the one, I have described here, nevertheless I entered a period of ego-shattering, over and over again all conditioned ways in which I had identified myself were ripped apart, rendering a total redefining of my identity and identification.

It has taken me many, many years (in some sense still work in progress) to integrate the shift and I’ve gone through stages of delusion, short moments of inflated ego-aggrandizement to total surrender to the Divine. Thank God the light on Sirius said “this is who everybody is, if they only knew”, I could not therefore fall into the trap of feeling chosen or special, although I was bewildered for a long time, often thinking, what the heck was I supposed to do? I learned quickly that peak-experiences come and go and in-between we integrate and continue to “chop wood and carry water”. The journey turned out to be a continuing practice in surrender and humbleness participating in the great mystery, the dance between the mother-father God-Creator. For me, it has eventually been much more about finding the right way to be, than finding the things to do, although here I am now – writing.

As I studied more about esoteric Astrology and learned to analyzed my own chart, this encounter with the Sirian light counsel, fell on my Chiron return, my menopause and crone-era start. As if saying: “get on with it woman”, the soul had plans for this third phase of life and I had better listen.

Approximately one year after this event I withdrew for two-and-a-half years into seclusion to the Finnish country-side, renting a cottage by the Baltic Sea with vast forests just behind the house. An absolutely beautiful spot, with cows on pasture eating weed along the shore, just below my kitchen window. The view was like a Dutch renaissance painting and gave frequent moments of awe. During this time, my nervous system was hyper and on high alert most of the time. I continued my study and meditation practice, which felt more like a process of downloading and remembering. Focused and concentrated, I hardly did much else, nevertheless, I felt held, inspired and guided in my solitude. Extremely grateful for the forest and its balancing quality on my energy field, she was so fiery and electric most of the time. In the yard stood three conifers forming a triangle. I placed an outdoor chair in their middle and used to sit, if it was very hot, under them reading my books. Sometimes I even went there in the middle of the night, if need be, to help calm my energy field and nervous system.

The cosmic bolt of lightning had ignited a partial kundalini awakening and the subsequent years my subtle fields went into a kind a cosmic washing machine, its centrifugal spin clearing and purifying the soul field. I understood fairly quickly, that the kundalini awakening had been only partial. My soul energy had difficulty flowing and incarnating fully into my physical body; the trunk just wasn’t strong enough to carry the electrical currents. I had difficulty grounding. During these years of spiritual emergence, I had a lot of pain in my body, especially in my bones and spine. Sometimes the fiery energy flowing through was so strong it felt like my little house and I would go up in flames, even the house started sparkling with electrical currents.

It’s become a life-long journey of “putting the genie back into the bottle”, expanding and allowing the soul to infuse every possible corner of my inner Universe, healing and uplifting blockages, melting my heart and softening my belly.

“The shock throughout all realms is a Call for the realization of harmony, cooperation and of unity.” Don’t remember from where this quote is, but certainly it rang true for me.  


Each expansion led to fiery ordeals in my energy body and a purification processes. In the Ageless Wisdom traditions these fiery ordeals are called the burning-ground, which the disciple has to cross before any initiation can be confirmed. In my case, having the planet Uranus coming through both my Ascendent, Sun-Sign as well as the Moon in my chart, meant that there has been no pardon for the force of fire burning the auric field and hitting the etheric- and physical body, it has from time to time been relentlessly brutal. Still is, as my field reacts both to solar flares and oscillations in the Schuman resonance of Mother Earth. When I look up some of the historical female mystics on Wikipedia, Julian of Norwich is described as an anchoress. This appeals to my soul, there’s something of this anchoring of new energy going on in my being as well.  

In inner alchemy high frequent energies descend, i.e., the manna from heaven, via the soul and monad/pure spirit through the aura, into and through the etheric body, received by the nervous system, transported via the endocrine system into the blood stream and organs, purifying and uplifting denser energies. Spirit uplifting matter, shadows rising to be released, allowing light to shine through the form, transmuting and transfiguring. This, we human beings do one heart at the time, and as it is a highly individual, subjective soul-specific process, it stays mostly invisible. One thing for sure, if not before, judgement flies out of the window, as we never know what inner process’ anyone is going through. Only hinted at by alchemist and mystics, and sought out by those approaching or doing similar inner work. My high-sense perceptions as they evolved, include clairsentience, kinesthetic awareness, i.e., high sense touch, heightened smell, better intuition and blessings of straight knowledge.

This specific pallet of high-sense perception meant that I feel very acutely where the energies are trying to penetrate and change patterns. When some age-old karmic block is released, sometimes with a puff of very bad smelling, decaying substance floating, fizzing out of my body. Likewise, when my inner guides and allies are pleased with my efforts I am surrounded by freesia, rose and/or jasmine smells, as if placed in a garden of flowers for a while. I’ve interpreted this as a tap on the shoulder, well done sister! There are soul’s called Lotuses of Perfume, maybe mine is such?

Shortly after the Sirius/cosmic lightning bolt experience, I started having severe pain in my right shoulder and right arm, without any outer explanation for this pain. It continued for weeks and resulted also in rashes in my armpits. So, I walked around with my right arm out-stretched.  I could not sleep normally in my bed, but had to find a position in my comfy chair with my arm bundled up against my chest with a calming lavender cloth in my armpit. Very uncomfortable for weeks. Finally, I sought help from a Chinese Acupuncture specialist in town, who had been recommended by many. Little did I know, she did her diagnosis using her clairvoyance ability, scanning through the many layers of my being with her third eye. I’m not fond of such diagnosis, because I can feel it so precisely, especially as she did not ask for my consent prior to using her third eye. It was a weird experience, I with my clairsentience knew exactly where she was scanning, in which layers of my soul and aura she was moving and which organs received her gaze. The whole diagnosis took some 20 minutes, after which she said: “Sorry, can’t help you, this is a three-thousand-year-old karma coming through you, you just need to allow it to flow through. I can only help you a little bit with the pain”.  What happened next was a bit startling, she asked: “Why does a professor level soul work in a kindergarten (referring to the Findhorn Foundation)”? I had heard rumors, that she had tried to recruit members to her own spiritual organization, so already a bit annoyed at her lack of professionalism regarding consent, I just responded: “kindergarten is the best place to be”, thanked her, paid and left. On my way back I reflected, well if that wasn’t an ego-trap test, I don’t know what is? Then again, if she knew me, she would know that flattery takes you nowhere with me. Anyway, whatever progress we might make on the spiritual path, we only meet greater and deeper vistas, where we again and always are beginners, novices of mystery. But she was right in her diagnosis, it took some five to six weeks for the painful energy to flow through my arm and finally exit via my right-hand fingers. In a shamanic journey, exploring the origins of this pain, I saw a Mongolian warrior riding, together with others, fast in an open landscape with his sword high up in the air, ready to strike. So, who knows how many heads that right arm had chopped off in some previous life? Yet, now my causal field was ready to release and redeem those atrocities. “The body holds the score” is a famous book, by MD Bessel van der Kolk, about trauma healing; the concept could easily be expanded to our soul-field, “the causal body of the soul holds the score”, and ultimately the score is balanced and redeemed on the physical level. I’ve adopted a practice, whenever such age-old energies seek release through me, I do the Hooponopono practice, asking for forgiveness from a place of oneness.  I’ve also come to appreciate the magic of the eternal now-moment, all past, present and future potentiality is here in the NOW and it is only in the NOW, if we are ready, where trauma/karma can be accessed and healed, released, hence changing the vibration forever. It is a sobering thought, in this Earthly three-dimensional world of contrasts, to recognize that some lives we serve darkness and some lives the light. The soul seeks all experiences to develop.

After this latest decent into the core of Mother Earth and through her, I have again had difficult pains, this time in the bones of my thighs, knees, shins and feet, i.e., the Yin part of my body.  As I breath through them in meditation, calling all manner of inner allies to my assistance, the pain releases like fizzy bubbles. I don’t see many visions any more, but when desperate I ask for them, to help me understand. When the pain was most intense in my thighs, I asked, please show me what this is about. A symbolic vision came; I saw the old Sagittarian symbol with the archer and his horse. The archer bent down and pointed his sword down towards mother Earth, shot the arrow, which flew downwards through the inner Earth into her core and anchored firmly there. In that moment, when the sword touched the core of Earth the archer and horse transformed into a white Unicorn, resulting in a massive energy release streaming out of my thighs. Upon reflecting on this later, I was reminded that there is no going to the father without taking the mother with you. The pain seemed to relate to lives where I had turned my back on mother Earth and her kingdoms.

Throughout all these years the burning and night time fiery downloads have been intense. I’ve recognized a pattern where this is intensified a few days before a new or full moon, as if preparing and grounding the energy, or counterbalancing what is on offer. Equally, when I’ve managed to off-set, transmute & transform and integrate, I have been blessed with absolutely unimaginably blissful states afterwards. I feel sometimes like a planetary acupuncture point, some sort of “cosmic plumber” clearing debris in order to anchor new energy deep down and trusting that this is exactly what my soul came here to do. A lot happens through faith and surrender, knowing that it is not really about me, hasn’t been for a long time.

We are in the Great Turning, the whole Solar System re-aligning itself as several big cycles come to an end. After 2000 years we are finally stepping into the next 2000 years of the Aquarian Age, but simultaneously also transitioning into the greater, approximately 25.000 yearlong Greater Aquarian Age.  Finally, after such a long time our Solar System, currently travelling through the photon belt, turns and starts to travel towards her own central Sun, Sirius, who also turns and starts to travel toward us, initiating the return of light. This Great Turning needs her engine, Gaia, the base center of the Solar System, to charge up cosmic kundalini. One way she does that, is through awakening humanity charging up our individual temples, as shining lights in the etheric body of Mother Earth. As above so below, and equally, as below so above. The next 2000-year era will bring the feminine principle (heart) to the fore, and in this in-between time, many souls have come in with the specific intent to clear up the debris of karma gathered during the masculine era of the patriarchy, it is not meant to be passed on anymore. I believe there are many more cosmic plumbers at work at this time. Many souls have chosen to incarnated in female bodies to initiate this era of the feminine principle. We so desperately need to connect with the womb of Mother Earth, her sacred waters of life, recognizing that no new life nor paradigm, no new, organic or healthy growth and evolution, can happen without the Great Mother, her manifestation Gaia and the feminine principle at large. Women, naturally, have great affinity with the waters of life and the living Gaia if they allow their consciousness to sink in and through their body, embodying spirit on all levels.

Gender is by cosmic law, a duality set-up by design in all kingdoms of nature, in which we dance throughout our lives. As long as we are looking for solutions outside of ourselves, we miss the point. We have to find our inner balance between masculine and feminine energies and forces within ourselves, bring harmony to the flow of energy throughout our body, coherence into our heart-center and balance between the two halves of the brain.  Unfortunately, especially our western culture has developed a major left-brain dominance culture, which for centuries, especially after the industrial revolution, has suppressed and rejected the more holistic, big-picture, creative right brain and flowing feminine principle.  

I’m in Scandinavia, so referring to Yggdrasil, as the Tree of Life comes naturally. With the changes and embodiment of my consciousness, I drew a picture of the toroidal auric field with two trees, one Yggdrasil with it’s roots up in heaven and branches, fruits and nourishment flowing deep down into Mother Earth and one with the roots in Mother Earth stretching up to heaven for manna, nourishment and blessings. The two Yggdrasil’s represent my inner feminine and masculine. 



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