
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Sacral Center / Second bandwidth

Sacral Center / Second Bandwidth

As humanity is still very much polarized in the emotional body, these writings about the energy centers reflect mainly the challenge of overcoming emotional imbalances.
The second bandwidth at the sacral center is an six petal lotus and has to do with the dynamics of attraction and repulsion, what, how and who we attract and attach ourselves to. It’s located at the base of the lumbar spine, above the sacrum and is related to our ovaries or testes, our reproductive system and the hormones testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, lower back area, hips, legs, knees and feet (together with the base). This center governs all the fluids of the body, including blood, lymph, semen, mucus and urine (relates to the kidneys as well).

The sacral is the center of birth, on all levels and from many angles. It has a strong influence over rebirth, new birth, new beginnings, the first initiation and death, the birth into a new dimension and so on. The sacral energy is mainly to do with self-perpetuation, a powerful attractive or magnetic quality sending out energy towards the opposite sex. It has a particular relation to the vital etheric body and gives a person vitality and attractiveness.

Here we have our family connections, inheritances, ancestors, bonds, loves and hates, resentments and all familial difficulties. This center governs personal education and family responsibilities and later on the spiritual path a greater sense of impersonality leading to the sense of group life.

This bandwidth is affected by our sense of self-esteem, our acceptance of self-responsibility, our attitudes towards sex and sexuality, all our relationships especially to our parents, siblings, partners and our own children. It is here that we find, in earlier stages of our development, our grounding and our connection to the Earth most strongly. It is a center we eventually must learn to master and through our life we learn a lot about ourselves, our power and creative force through this center. By facing our shadow issues and avoiding suppressing them we clear this center and bring it into balance and into connection with its higher aspects of creativity which align this center strongly with our throat center. The sacral center holds our deep-seated desires. As children this center lives through us as a great focusing on me, me, me, later to become about the two and three, our relationship to the other and the relationship to the we; the group and humanity as a whole, eventually resulting in a rounded more realistic relationship to ourselves.

This is an unstructured center and in our often oscillating emotional life we find our underlying anxiety if we haven’t worked out our fears in the base center. We find doubt, insecurity, neediness and a seeking for approval, a deep longing for belonging or a feeling of separation. We dance with our relational dramas, our highs and lows, likes and dislikes, affections we have gained and/or lost, feelings of being owned by something/someone and our battle for freedom. All polarities play out in this center. Here lies a good deal of humanity’s collective karma seated in the astral, emotional plane of the planet (sometimes called the great illusion). Our emotions and/or thoughts do not all necessarily belong to us, they can also be collective patterns we tap into, patterns everyone creates and in this center the question is between needs and wants verses choice. Needs and wants relate to the sacral center and conscious choice more to the heart center. Discernment about what is my energy and mine to work out and what is somebody else’s comes through the structured center next up, the solar plexus.

We look for reliance, for others to be the source of our happiness or our unhappiness. When this center is unhealthy we easily give away too much of our power. The core motivation in this center is nourishment, fulfillment and satisfaction and we look for validation through our sense of security and any temporary satisfaction. If we cannot fulfill our desires we seek relief from consumption, food, sex, alcohol, drugs and all kinds of addictions. We are always on the lookout for what we can get, from others, from society, from life – there isn't really yet a motivation to give and we relate to ourselves from a place of lack and unworthiness, maybe even loathing, a very painful place to be. Our reference point is sought in our relationship to others with whom we compare endlessly.

Our relating to the world is very complex if this center is still imbalanced, a lot of drama and often a very selfish expression of life. As we are trying to fulfill our own needs, they are seen and felt much greater than those of giving to others, so “me first” is still at the forefront of this energy.

We may sense that comfort, love and goodness exists but we do not feel worthy of it. It eludes us and we become even more needy and frustrated as we seek for the answer to our frustration outside of ourselves. We may feel that we have no choice as we don’t know yet that choice is there (heart) and feel helpless and influenced by others. Dependency develops and we live in dissatisfaction.

The challenge in this center is sufficiency, when is enough? What am I feeding, which need; which insecurities and which desire. What is my truer motivation? How much do I need before I feel loved?  We are all yearning to be loved, seen and met but easily in this center (if it is not brought into balance) we are convinced that there is something wrong with us. With the healing, with the light and the expansion comes an understanding that “you are not that” – you are greater than your lack or your sense of separation and you take responsibility to be self-sufficient, you take responsibility to be your own source of nourishment, you are willing to step out of the story you have created and develop some detachment to it. You start to witness your own self-created drama. This brings some rationality into the mix which is part of the next bandwidth, the solar plexus. In this second center we are in an unstructured bandwidth and to resolve our issues we need to bring in some structure and some thought (lower mind). Every single experience in this often painful second center development is an expression of your capacity to show truth, to be truth. The pain you are experiencing is really trying to say “I am not this!” – I am much bigger than the pain I am experiencing. Be true to yourself and act in harmlessness is the healthy call of this center.

The practice here involves impartial observation of the sensations and emotions, bringing in your witnessing consciousness which has no judgement, it only sees. Don’t get me wrong – being present to your own drama is the hardest thing. To stay still, notice the discomfort – it really takes a spiritual warrior to do this. Stay with sensation; don’t go too quickly into fixing mode. This is where we heal the feeling by feeling it, going through it, sitting in the fire and bringing the light of our consciousness into the mix. It does not matter if the discomfort comes from current life experiences or manifests as an energy surfacing from a past life, the process is the same.

Trust your sixth sense, your intuition as it is lending its property to your five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Your intuition is a higher expression of these five basic senses. Your energy field is always absolutely the latest version of who you are and whatever is in the present moment is there for a reason. In my own experience past life dross often makes itself aware through bad taste or smell, or some unexplained pain– the wisdom of your energy field is unprecedented, unique to you and divine. As existence wants to know itself through you, consciousness is your tool, shine the light into the darkness. If it is happening, if it is arising, it belongs to you!

The more esoteric nature of this center has an important foundation. It involves separatism, the separation of the sexes (the sacral center was the dominant center in old Lemuria, eighteen million years ago). All separation, division, polarity and opposition is said to have underlying sacral influences. The lack of confidence found in so many people who are not able to express themselves as who they truly are is due to this centers lack of creative harmony with the throat center.

The whole of humanity is battling with this highly emotional bandwidth. It is the cause of so much of our pain, our wars, inhumanities and inequalities. As we are caught up currently in the ascension of our whole solar system into a new sphere of energies, this is facilitating the healing humanity so desperately needs in order to find a balance with all our relationships, not just those within ourselves and our families, other human beings, groups we belong to but also our relationships to all the Kingdoms of Nature, mineral, vegetable, animal, human, angelic and divine. 

What every spiritual warrior can do is to bring the light of your awareness very consciously into this bandwidth, work through your own wounding, ancestral patterns and imbalances in this center and send out a balanced, light filled and transparent harmonious energy into the field. As we reach the tipping point with more and more people doing the work needed, we understand that we each are a cell in the body of this planet and that we belong to the one humanity swimming in one field of collective consciousness. With our assistance and participation this collective consciousness will change and heal. This is part of your inner work and your soul’s job-description.

With the current accelerated awareness of global crisis both environment, social, economical and spiritual the work of clearing our energy fields, bringing more light into the darkness, is of prime importance, for it is not until we have been able to start to open the petals of our heart center that the interdependence and inter-connectedness of all life dawns on us. Humanity needs this awareness so desperately at this time. And the heart center, which stays shielded and protected, does not really dare to open before we have worked through some of our wounding and karma in these lower bandwidths. So take up the challenge and be among those who tip the scales as we travel through these times of transformation.

Inspired by my own journey, study in esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom tradition, especially esoteric soul based healing and notes from a recent workshop with Jeddah Mali.

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