
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Base Center / Base Chakra / First Bandwidth

Base Center / Base Chakra / First Bandwidth

As humanity is still very much polarized in the emotional body, these writings about the energy centers reflect mainly the challenge of overcoming emotional imbalances.

This lowest bandwidth of frequency in our inter-penetrating energy body is where we get in touch with our survival instincts, our deep unconscious fears and suppressed anger. It is the deepest seat of karma built into the three bodies – physical, emotional and mental. We cannot fully enter the spiritual realms without facing our fears. It is where we feel most alone and scared, sometimes the feeling of total separation capturing and consuming us. The energy is often heavy and restricted.

The base center, located at the coccyx of the spine, about two to six inches outside of the dense physical body in the etheric spine. It governs our adrenals, kidney, urethra, spine and bones as well as all elimination. Spinal problems, so common, tend to have a base center involvement as this center governs the whole skeletal system – our scaffolding. It is our “will to be” center, our grounding and our feeling of safety in the world. The adrenals govern our fight or flight reaction and the kidneys store our fear. The elemental being of the physical body, the essential material nature of the dense body is in the base center. Together with the sacral center it also influences our legs, knees and feet. It is a four petal lotus, a powerful symbol linked to the Mother of the World, the Earth, the Cross, the Square and the human kingdom of nature.

This center comes into its true functioning only when two major fusions have taken place. These are the fusion of the three bodies, physical - emotional - mental into one coordinated and integrated personality and when the soul and the body are at-one.

The constellation Libra governs the scales, i.e. the adrenals and kidneys. In ancient Egyptian mythology the scales of the potential initiate were measured by placing a feather on one of the scales, if the scales held their balance the initiate could pass, with no heaviness to bring the scales down it was a sign that fear had been conquered and divine love ruled. 

Challenging emotions that accompany this center are fear, anxiety, panic, rage, anger, frustration, hopelessness, grief, depression and shame, fear of annihilation, hate and aggression. Our experience is that of struggle, isolation, life is limiting us and is somehow thwarted and impotent. When we are overcome by such emotions, when they arise in our life our first instinct may be to attack or avoid, resist, suppress them or numb ourselves. This however doesn't help us in the longer run; it only postpones the inevitable task of going through them and dissolving them later with the light and awareness of our soul. We all need to be real, if they arise, they are ours, blaming others or circumstances isn't going to help us. If there wasn't a corresponding energy somewhere in your own field (in your Universe), they would not arise – it’s that simple.

Our self-talk, thoughts and beliefs may say something like: “life is hard and then we die”; “I must fight or I will lose”; “my needs must be met”; “I can’t rest - I’m all alone”; “This can’t be true, not this panic again.” If we get out of this rut of thinking we maybe initially strive to fix our sense of lack or flaws and to fill the feeling of emptiness by recognizing our unfulfilled desires. We tend to look outside of ourselves and our disappointments continue if we haven’t resolved the core issues of this center. When the energy flow is not getting through this center, it demonstrates as inertia, spinelessness, no will to think or do, lack of ambition or motivation and laziness. An unbalanced flow of energy can result in inability to change, insecurity or in a driving ambition without thought of others, aggression and manipulative activities. Existence cannot but bring the experience again to us, until we have fully resolved it. A well balanced base center brings clarity of purpose and direction.

We seek validation from others by looking for signs of strength, absence of lack or weaknesses. We have difficulties trusting, we are guarded and suspicious as the unknown is unpredictable and can at any time throw us into a tail-spin. In the language of energy these heavy emotions are all frequencies and at the time they hit us we need our higher frequencies to lovingly stay with them. Recognition of fear in our lives must be lived through so that our consciousness can expand. Whatever you focus on will appear in your reality, but you don’t need go looking for trouble, just be with what arises. Train your consciousness to be in the rawness and discomfort and stand in your Divine Truth, your Higher Self is enormous and always there to guide and help you. By all means call in the Angels, your inner allies and higher beings to help when you are dealing with these frequencies, there is always help available on the inner side of life. If you feel contraction, breathe deeply and expand your heart to embrace them, bring your soul to heal and dissolve them forever.

Existence never casts us out, we do this to ourselves. It is our perception of separation which manifests as pain and the effort to avoid this pain only result in more disappointment. The only way through is to stay present with it. The present moment is always in the NOW, is your presence, your awareness which can bring relief and healing. Don’t try to explain it, just be with it. Often it is precisely our inner story line that prevents awareness and soul light from bringing the healing we so desperately need. It is an emptying of your being to allow spirit through. This is where a regular meditation practice makes such a huge difference, learning how to still the mind and calm your emotions to just be with whatever arises!

We have all heard that we are the micro of the macro – as above so below - and part of the collective consciousness of humanity, therefore we are all contributing and if we are able to meet our fear we would have truly contributed in a positive way. By bringing the light of consciousness, by being present with your lowest bandwidth in the base center and the discomfort you may find there does not only help you, it helps all of us. The light doesn't just stay with you; it reverberates through your field and brings light and relief to the collective field found in this bandwidth.

Out of our two most known and revered Avatars in our current time and age, Jesus Christ and the Buddha, both had their battles with these energies in the lower bandwidths. Energies accumulated in the soul field since numerous life-times. We are told that the Christ met his temptations in the desert and Buddha fought the Mara’s (negative forces) of his inner life under the Bodhi Tree. We all create our own heaven and hell through the un-redeemed energy streams in our subtle inner bodies. That is why it has been said that the Christ had to go to hell (i.e. the lowest bandwidth of his Universe) before his final resurrection. The stories we read in the sacred texts of the world are but analogies and metaphors for the spiritual journey we all will eventually take. From another perspective the soul has to descend, incarnate to the core of the Earth/ our Mother to uplift life and in that journey, through that descent into darkness life is uplifted and matter is spiritualized. That is the holographic nature of our subtle bodies; you cannot go up without going down. This is part of every soul’s job-description. You are the cup and the Holy Grail.

The planet Pluto governs the base center and in this time of transition between the ages Pluto is transiting Capricorn, still going on until the year 2025, so some 10 more years to go at the writing of this. Capricorn represents the Mountain of Initiation and therefore potentially the highest frequency and Pluto the lowest bandwidth. The tension between the highest and the lowers is greatest in this combination and we see a lot of the hidden suffering of humanity rise up from below the surface to be seen – and only that which is seen, acknowledged and brought to consciousness can be healed.

Inspired by my own journey, study in esoteric philosophy, the ancient wisdom tradition, especially esoteric soul based healing and notes from a recent workshop with Jeddah Mali.

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