
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Welcome to this blogg!

My intention is to share my inspiration with anyone walking the spiritual path. It is a path mostly walked alone in the sanctuary of our most inner being and therefore very personal and subjective. Therefore you are intimately alone on this path but seldom lonely as consciousness incarnates, integrates and expands into ever more inclusive spheres.

For some time now I’ve received nudges to step out of my 11 years of semi silence. I don’t mean a silence in terms of not speaking to my fellow human beings (although I did have nearly two years of mostly silent retreat time too) or participating in ordinary life, rather, a silence brought about by my soul wanting to impress on its reflection and to infuse me. I’ve been and am “pregnant with spirit” birthing a new expanded awareness and as with all gestation it has been precious, sometimes a demanding and painful process with slowly emerging beautiful inner rewards.

Some Non-Duality teachers, currently in such high demand say “Stop the seeking, you are already there – there is no path”! They often fail to share their long journey of seeking before they came to this realization. They are not totally wrong though, because once you do see and experience the beauty of the One Life, seeking lessens and sometimes comes to an end, life just IS, you just are the “I AM” of ALL THAT IS. But for most of us this remains a dream in a distant future as we take our steps, integrate more of whom we truly are and meet our hurdles on the way. It is one thing to have such an all- encompassing experience once or twice, a peak experience of spiritual atonement with all of life – and a different matter altogether to “be this”, emanate this continuously. Some wise person said “if people knew what enlightenment is, they would not want it so much”. Maybe it is good that we don’t know when we set off on this Path. At the beginning stages we often only have a deep yearning and longing, for it is not in the end result – such as Enlightenment - but in the journey itself that spiritual life unfolds and shows it’s ever expanding radiant inner beauty. Enlightenment is only another beginning, for how could we ever reach Infinity.

As souls many of us have been here for aeons, thousands of incarnations on what is meant to be Paradise Earth. Depending on where we are on our soul journey we are further from or closer to the realization of the ONE LIFE of Humanity and the role we play on this planet, in this solar system and this galaxy. It doesn’t take much imagination to see just how far, as a collective humanity we still are from seeing, living, experiencing and co-creating Paradise and Heaven on Earth - an existence that honours all life forms, both seen and unseen. So the seeking will continue until, as The Christ said “until the last pilgrim has come home”.

Meditation has been and is my main spiritual practice for the past 30 years, tentatively first but with discipline and regularity for the past 20 years. The awakening started with my first Saturn return at the age of 29-30, spurred by a life-crisis, I wanted to understand the nature of suffering and found Tibetan Buddhism at that time. Now just as I’ve come through my second Saturn return the inner metamorphosis has come to a stage where my creative expression is seeking a channel to share about themes that have deeply mattered, inspired and touched me. This time-span, some 30 years, may seem long in a person life, is but a speck in the life of the soul and gives a sense of the seemingly slow ebb and flow of this remembering process – there are seldom quick fixes on the spiritual path, we take one steps forward and two back, the pull between matter and spirit plays on us in many conscious and unconscious ways.

Along the way I have studied the mind-body-spirit connection quite extensively, incarnation, many healing modalities, esoteric philosophy, and the ageless wisdom traditions including some astrology. I’ve chosen not to reveal much of my identity to counter the spiritual materialism so rampant in today’s world; it is of no importance to the reader who I am! I believe this choice will also enable me to share from a more genuine soul-full place.

English is not my first language (my third) so please have understanding and tolerance towards any less than perfect ways of expressing. Thank you!

I do hope you find something of value for yourself, if so I would have served.

From one cosmic droplet to another WARMLY WELCOME!




  1. Fint! Följer med intresse :) S|D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
